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McCready: 10 Weekend Thoughts, presented by Sego Wealth Management

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1. Ole Miss is less than three weeks from kickoff versus Mercer on Sept. 2.

As the Rebels get ready to enter their third week of camp, here are a few leftover observations and thoughts:

-- This is Jaxson Dart's team. It's obvious to anyone watching. I'm not sure anyone is even trying to play games with the whole quarterback competition thing. He's in charge, clearly more comfortable and playing with a different level of confidence. It's not cocky or forced. He's just confident.

-- It does make me wonder where this whole Spencer Sanders thing is going. Maybe Ole Miss is going to have a package for him. Maybe he's willing to be the backup and be ready to go should Dart fail/get injured. I have my doubts, but maybe that's just me being cynical.

-- And I still wonder what happens with Walker Howard. He has a lot of talent; that's obvious. However, if he's going to be Ole Miss' quarterback of the future, he needs reps and in-season development. I question how much of that he can get getting third-string reps.


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