Published Jul 24, 2024
The Mailbag, pres. by Art Hays of Sotheby's Int'l Realty: Edition 281
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Neal McCready  •  RebelGrove

It's time for The Mailbag, presented by Art Hays of Sotheby's International Realty, Edition 281.

I asked for your questions. You delivered. So here we go...

The Mailbag is presented by Art Hays of Sotheby’s International Realty. Are you thinking of making a move? Put the power of Sotheby's International Realty to work for you. As a licensed agent with Sotheby's International Realty and a supporter of all things Ole Miss, Art can help you buy or sell in your home town, or anywhere in the world, at no charge to you (seriously). Call and ask Art how. Call 612-805-5929 or email Art at Art Hays at

From SaladThunder: Do you rub lotion on your head or does the shaving cream serve that purpose? Genuinely curios - not trolling.

Usually I just use shaving cream. I have also just used soap, conditioner that was available in a hotel room, shampoo and shaving gel. I probably don't do enough skin care as it pertains to shaving my head.

From North Tampa Rebel: Explain the House Settlement story like I'm 5. Wouldn't one lawsuit from a current player upend the whole thing?

I wish I could explain it. Basically it's all of college athletics settling with former athletes regarding "lost" NIL. But yes, one lawsuit from a current or future player could upend the whole thing, as there's been no deal agreed to. There has been no collective bargaining, no unionization, no negotiating, etc. Perhaps it's my stupidity, but I simply can't understand why so many of the much more intelligent journalists than I believe the House settlement marks end game as it pertains to athlete compensation.

From North Tampa Rebel: Do you think Trump picks Vance if he knew that Biden would drop out and he'd be running against Harris and a likely moderate VP?

My guess is Trump decided to go with Vance because he's the closest thing to him and he feels, if he wins, Vance gives him someone who would actually best help him govern. I suspect he viewed some of the other "finalists" as a bit more likely to be influenced by lobbyists.

The hypothetical I keep thinking about is how are things different if the bullet intended to end Trump hits its mark. I bet everything is different in that scenario.

From chattreb: You have mentioned before that you have been surprised that this NIL money has not been corrected by the market yet. I am too, but this is just year four and the monies have gotten totally ridiculous and I know it will eventually blow up. Now we have no idea when this will happen, but do you think that we will first see more situations, like lasts years Orange Bowl where the team and players just fold the tent when they have nothing to play for? Now I am not referring to meaningless bowl games, I am talking about good teams and players who experience seasons that do not meet their preseason expectations during mid season?

Yes, let's take Ole Miss. Let's say the Rebels go 8-4 and end up in the TaxSlayer Bowl or something. How many guys opt out? Thirty? Forty?

The 12-team playoff sort of eliminates the 12-1 team getting shafted and bolting. Florida State would've hosted a playoff game in this format.

As for it blowing up, I'll reiterate what I've said numerous times. I'm the wrong guy for that question. I think this model is insane, but I'm not a person with a burning love for any of his/her alma maters. If I took any of our disposable income and used it to help buy football/basketball/baseball players for a college/university, my wife would cut me open (and I would tell investigators it was justified and ask them to leave me to painfully bleed out for my stupidity).

Even though I do what I do, I simply can't relate. My oldest is an alumnus of an SEC school. She recently, as a member of the alumni association, was offered a season ticket package that was quite affordable, even though the seats wouldn't have been so good. She never even thought about it. That was money, she thought, she could use to buy desired pieces for her wardrobe or pay for travel. She'd laugh hysterically at a collective asking her to help buy players for her alma mater's teams.

That said, I've learned that there are obviously more people than I believed existed who intensely love their alma maters -- and more importantly, take immense personal satisfaction in their alma maters' teams winning. Many, many more. So I'm not as sure as you that it blows up. I think it does, but at the same time, I acknowledge that I'm not the collectives' target audience and that I've been bad, bad wrong on this topic.

From Kylethehoss: If Alabama doesn’t make the playoffs would it be viewed as a failure? Do fans have to high of expectations for a first year coach?

The expectation at Alabama is to play for the national title every single season. Period.

From Visorthrows33: Will you watch Civil War and give your thoughts on it? It’s a 2 hour movie so if you say no, I won’t be distraught but I genuinely think you’d have some big thoughts on what it says on our country and journalism.This is a really dumb way to judge this, but after getting back into the groove of football and also playing CFB 25. This Ole Miss team is going to be really thin after this year. There’s a lot of young unproven talent on the D-line and wide receiver room but really I don’t know that we’re going to return a single starter in 2025. Do you have any concerns of Lane’s ability to overhaul this roster or develop this young talent post what we all assume to be a big year in 2024?

I didn't know about it until this question. Sure, if I get a chance, I'll watch it. That said, I don't need a movie to tell me about the state of American journalism or the state of our country. I've got an excellent feel for both.

I think all teams are going to be thin. It's the nature of the portal. Depth pieces leave for more money and bigger roles. As I said the other day, I believe Ole Miss will be a very good team, maybe a great team. However, some of the propagandists around the program proclaiming this to be a perfect, flawless team are simply being disingenuous and letting their hearts blind them from some realities.

From VibinReb45: I’m not the worlds biggest conspiracy theory guy but lately with all the political turmoil the past 8 years I’ve been opening my mind up a little and been doing some reading on some controversial theories. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being you don’t buy it at all and 10 being you absolutely believe it rate these theories. The CIA was involved in assassinating JFKBranches of our government helped create the crack epidemic Our government knew a massive terrorist attack such as 9/11 was very likely to happen in the late 90’s/early 2000’s but chose to look the other way and allow it to happen

JFK -- 9 (maybe 10; it seems obvious)

Crack epidemic -- 5 (I need to read more on that one)

9/11 -- 1 (I just can't go there; if you believe that, we're more screwed than even I think we are)

I suspect we just witnessed another major national incident in which there was a plan and now a cover-up. I pray I'm wrong, but I've got real questions that, so far, aren't being answered.

From Rebs515: Do you think there is any chance that on rivalry week, a team that has secured a playoff berth, rests their players for the rivalry game? Example:11-0 Ohio State resting starters vs 8-3 Michigan?10-1 BAMA resting starters vs 7-4 Auburn?10-1 Ole Miss (wishful thinking) resting starters vs 0-11 (wishful thinking) Mississippi State?

Yes. Play along a moment. Let's say Ole Miss is 11-0 going into the Egg Bowl. I don't believe that will happen, by the way, but we're doing a hypothetical. In that scenario, the Rebels would have a date in Atlanta clinched and likely a playoff bid clinched. In that scenario, would you blame Kiffin for being careful with playing time versus Mississippi State?

If the goal is the national title, I'm not sure what beating Mississippi State in that scenario would do for you.

An NFL team in that scenario wouldn't play starters.

From Gjg23: Granted it is/will be difficult to quantify, but do you think professional soccer is more popular in the US than MLB in 2030?Not necessarily talking about MLS; more EPL, Champions League, World Cup, Euros, etc

That's probably strong, but I do think soccer's rise in popularity will continue, especially after the 2026 World Cup, and I think baseball will continue to become a more regionalized game.

From robert90: Listening to Chase interview Dent a few weeks ago, I found it interesting that Dent said Kiffins offense is simple compared to where he is now at UT Martin. Dent said the offense he is in now has a lot more studying, reading and film study. And he feels it is more of an NFL type system. My question is do you think Kiffins current offense at Ole Miss is a negative when scouts look to draft a QB coming from his system?

It's hard to say. Matt Corral plummeted in the draft, but that wasn't just because of football. I'll be curious to see how things fall for Jaxson Dart. I do think there's a belief among NFL people that Kiffin's system doesn't necessarily properly develop quarterbacks for the intricacies of the NFL, but I don't know enough about football to tell you if that's accurate or ridiculous. Kiffin is an offensive genius and he helps his quarterbacks with live reads. Does that stunt development? I mean, I wouldn't think so, but I'm not exactly an NFL coach.

From _bHAMreb: What is the breaking point in your opinion for the fans when it comes to college football? I think people are apprehensive about logos on the field and jerseys not because of stubbornness or tradition but because there’s no advantage gained vs the competition by doing it. Where does the line get drawn?

That's a fan question, and I can't answer it. I am an NBA fan and the jersey logos don't bother me. Would logos on the field bother me? I mean, I don't think so, but I'm the furthest thing in the world from a traditionalist when it comes to sports.

I don't think, for the schools, it's about competitive advantages, by the way. It's just revenue streams.

As for where the line is, I've heard administrators talk about that, but when you're potentially giving away tens of millions in revenue to athletes who play in sports that produce no revenue, how can you justify a line?

From 501REB: You have voiced your frustrations with the Cubs front office. If Sam Presti were dropped into Jed Hoyer's seat, would he sell high on Justin Steele? What moves would you like to see moving forward?

I've watched so little this year. It's wild. My interest has never been this low. Presti is pragmatic. He also understands there's no value in the middle. You're either a contender or you're building. There's no room for bloat during the build.

The Cubs' roster appears to be built for the middle. It's infuriating. If you're not winning, play the kids. Instead, the Cubs have built around average guys -- Bellinger, Suzuki, Swanson, Happ, Taillon -- and they're a .500ish team.

The Thunder, meanwhile, have scouted, developed and traded their way into a team that can contend for titles and has beaucoup flexibility. If I were the Cubs, I'd trade for young talent, clear payroll and then spend like a big-market team. I'm clearly missing something.

From jchmcl09: What are the number of wins that Florida and Arkansas need to achieve for Billy Napier and Sam Pittman to retain their jobs?

Florida -- 7/8

Arkansas -- 6/7, though there are a lot of rumblings this is it for Pittman, one way or the other.

From TX via TN Rebel: If you were mayor of Oxford, what infrastructure project would you undertake first?

OK, this is going to sound like a copout, but I'm going to pass here. Oxford is a wonderful town, and while I have a few criticisms, I'll keep them to myself. We've loved raising our children here. It's a town that rallies around people during crises. It's supportive of its schools. The teachers and coaches care about the kids. It's charming. It's safe, or at least as safe as anyplace is these days. It's cliquish, sure, but it's friendly. People of all races and backgrounds generally get along quite well.

I suspect the mayor's job is more difficult than I could imagine, so I will politely and respectfully decline your invitation to step into her shoes, even in a hypothetical.
