Published Jul 1, 2021
The Mailbag, pres. by Whitney McNutt/Tommy Morgan Inc Realtors: Edition 140
Chase Parham  •  RebelGrove

It's time for The Mailbag, presented by Whitney McNutt of Tommy Morgan Inc. Realtors, Edition 140. I'm pinch hitting for Neal McCready this week, so let's get to it with your questions and my answers.

From VibinReb45: Someone puts a gun to your head and asks you who LSU’s head football coach is in 2022. Your answer is?

With the Title IX situation in Baton Rouge seemingly picking up steam, theres obviously heat on Ed Orgeron two years removed from a national title. My guess, though, is he wins just enough and things get prolonged just enough to keep him there for 2022. The heat will be at a max level, however. And guessing the result of a Scott Woodward coaching search is a fool's errand.

From Rebel901: A) Do we see any Ole Miss players with NIL deals when the law goes into effect on July 1?B) Most marketable Ole Miss student athlete not named Matt Corral?

I think Matt Corral will have something in place quickly, and it seems to be an easy guess that he and John Rhys Plumlee are the two athletes in the best marketing position for NIL deals. The better question, to me, is who is third? Is it Jerrion Ealy or maybe Tim Elko if he come back? And obviously there's something, but what is the market for Julia Johnson?

From Rebel901: Calories don’t count - what’s your perfect breakfast plate?

I admit I'm incredibly weird, but I'm not a big breakfast person. I'm more than happy to skip breakfast for brunch and lunch. But my favorite breakfast food without question is a an omelette with bacon, cheese, onions and peppers. Since calories don't count, throw in a side of biscuits and gravy and a waffle with strawberries and maple syrup.

From Desmondo22: What is the opening day lineup for Ole Miss Baseball in 2022?

We simply don't know until the transfer portal shakes out and the Draft comes and goes. I expect Kevin Graham and Justin Bench to return, and I think there's a slight better than 50 percent chance Elko is back in 2022. Ole Miss needs to strike in the the transfer portal beyond John Gaddis, who will challenge for a weekend role next season. The one name most mentioned is Cal State Fullerton pitcher Tanner Bibee, whichever team nabs him has to win a recruiting battle and avoid the Draft in a couple weeks.

As of right now, the offensive order is the same as the end of last season except Elko at first instead of Cael Baker. If Elko leaves, I assume Calvin Harris is the incumbent favorite, but it will be wide open. There has to at least be the discussion of moving TJ McCants back to the infield because Bench could slide back out to center. But, barring something unexpected, I don't anticipate crazy offensive lineup changes. The pitching staff guess is a crapshoot. Is Derek Diamond healthy? Who develops and improves over the next year? I have no idea, but several pieces have to for the staff to be competitive.

From Bigde12: With so much recruiting/evaluating happening at such an earlier and earlier age (it seems) does the baseball and football program evaluate that or have a process for them to help with which athlete may peak early or be a late bloomer? If so which athlete do you remember really being a late bloomer and truly coming into their own at ole miss?

It's all guesswork and experience for the most part, and there's no formula to figure that out, but it is a potential problem, and whichever schools manage it the best will cultivate the best rosters. Also, are we going to see the same amount of development as in the past? With the transfer portal, players are willing to just bounce instead of stay and develop and look down the road. Does that reverse back at some point? I don't know, but I think it's easy to guess that most development will come at School A but School B will be the one where the player eventually gets on the field.

It's my baseball brain that makes me think of those players first. Scott Weathersby is the one who comes to mind. He didn't make the roster for two seasons but Ole Miss doesn't make the College World Series without him.

Related: Weathersby perseveres to become one of SEC's best

Dawson Knox came to mind first on the football side. He was a walk-on who played quarterback in high school.

From Randle4: You're at dinner with HBO characters. A max of 3. Who's on the list?

Tony Soprano, Ari Gold and Larry David, though the whole someone getting shot at the table possibility does give me pause.

From HoustonRebs92: Gut feeling, do you think we will see Ealy take some reps in the slot this season? I can't help but be intrigued at the prospect of having Ealy, Snoop, and Parrish on the field at the same time.

My guess is yes. Lane Kiffin and Jeff Lebby both excel at getting the best players out in space with the ball in their hands, so it makes sense to move Jerrion Ealy all over the field because it helps cover up a potential weakness and it gives him more options to impact the game.

And considering Ole Miss is pretty deep at running back, there's not a sacrifice at that position to move Ealy out and see what he can do. It's also good for his Draft prospects to show versatility. Elijah Moore took some handoffs, so yes I expect Ealy to be in the slot some and use the the other running backs in the backfield.

From Cahamil: With State doing what they're doing, is the pressure being ramped up in Oxford?

This is a complicated question. The answer is absolutely. Mississippi State won a national championship in baseball on Wednesday night, has been to Omaha three straight times, has a hell of a coach in Chris Lemonis, has beaten Ole Miss 16 of the last 19 times and played its best baseball in Omaha, feeding off a crowd and watching Vanderbilt wilt the final two games of the tournament.

Meanwhile, Ole Miss has been to Omaha once since the 70s, is 1-8 since 2005 in games to go to the College World Series and Mike Bianco interviewed for the LSU job a couple weeks ago. When you just list out the facts, there's no doubt that there's pressure. You don't make moves simply because a rival is experiencing highs, and you have to run your program in a vacuum of what's best for it, but State's success does affect Ole Miss in potential recruiting battles, in fan morale, in media and marketing and many other things.

The question is how to define that pressure. Season ticket sales were at record highs in 2021, and I expect most tickets too sell this next season, too. There isn't booster involvement pushing for Bianco's departure. Baseball typically doesn't work that way. Ticket sales and influential booster pushing are the two main reasons for pressure to remove a coach at the Power Five level, but those aren't happening here.

The fan base is pissed, and that comes out through social media and the Internet but where will it show up tangibly? Will actual attendance lag and suffer if Ole Miss gets off to a bad start or plays poorly, similarly to 2013, the time Bianco was most on the hot seat during his tenure? To me, I know there's pressure, and I think it's possible there's a coaching change at the end of 2022. But how it shows up tangibly is an interesting watch to me over the next year.

From petervenkman: 1. What kind of influence does Glenn Boyce have in athletics? Would you describe that influence as a positive or negative?2. How would rate the job that Keith Carter has done so far?

I think Glenn Boyce has a positive impact on athletics, in that he's supportive while also straying out of the way. Ole Miss couldn't get Jeffrey Vitter to leave it alone. Boyce is there if needed, but he's not micromanaging Keith Carter.

And I think Carter has done a good job to this point overall. He gets a lot of points for the Lane Kiffin hire, especially in the final hours as he following through with the decision despite some teeth gnashing from influential people. I think I would have done some different things with Bianco's contract, but I understand the logic behind what he did. And, for now, there's nothing to grade with basketball. We'll see how that shakes out moving forward.

From Randle4: Would you rather have Vandy's success in baseball and horribleness in football OR mediocrity in all 3 Big Sports?

I'd rather have mediocrity in the three, if that means the football team still makes a bowl game at a decent clip and the basketball team can at least give fans bubble excitement more often than not. Football is the engine and it being horrible can't be pulled up by anything else unless basketball is a power like Kansas. Baseball isn't enough to sacrifice football wins.

From Political_Commenter: Do you think we will have a new baseball coach if Mike Bianco doesn't win a home regional in 2022?Have you heard that Keith is upset with the way Mike's camp played the situation?

I think, and it's just my opinion and isn't sourced, Ole Miss has a new head coach if the Rebels don't win a home regional or if they lose a super regional after winning a road regional. I know those are results without context, but that seems to be where things are at right now.

I haven't heard that from anyone reliable. Carter knew Bianco was interviewing and was ok with it. I think Bianco thought he had the job when he went to interview, but that's speculation. There hasn't been any media opportunity since the season ended.

From 615_Reb: Am I wrong for not allowing my son to pee outside in public places?Example - We had friends over to one of our neighborhood pools Saturday. I look over a couple times and said friend was allowing his sons to urinate outside/through the pool fence but right next to the pool area. This is a well mannered family overall, but I just found this weird? I was not the only one who was kind of mind blown about it. Especially at a neighborhood pool that they didn’t belong to. Thoughts?

No, you're not wrong. It's one thing to let it fly off the back porch or something, but social decorum says even youngsters should keep that tucked away in public places. Teaching a kid when and where it's appropriate could be some trial and error and confusion, but I'm with you. I err on the conservative side with these things, and I would have had a problem with it. As a general rule, if not in one's own yard, find a toilet when a toilet is available.

From M.O.B. Rebel: 1. Name a player on both sides that us fans aren't thinking of, that truly impacts games in the Fall.2. Was it going to be Dan if Mike left on his own?3. Do you think Mike completes his current 4 year contract?4. If not, give us Chase's Top 3 replacements that aren't Dan or Cliff.

1. "Truly impacts games is a very high bar when mixed with someone you're not thinking of, but I'll with Austin Keys and throw out a flyer on Chase Rogers, though Ole Miss needs Casey Kelly to be on schedule -- a sentence that would have seemed weird for most of last season.

2. Yes.

3. No.

4. Link Jarrett (Notre Dame), Greg Lovelady (UCF), Chris Pollard (Duke) This is likely a useless exercise because Dan and Cliff are clear frontrunners should it come up in a year. And my baseball crush on Dan Heefner is well documented, but I just don't see him at the school known for beer showers.

From $WithARebelYell$: Anyway Dink Jackson is on campus next year?

I hate definite statements, but nope seems to be the appropriate answer here.

From booker110: Since Mike isn't leaving, will Ole Miss be forced to fire Mike at some point? How will this change our ability to go after Dan

Coaching tenures end with a coach leaving on is own or getting fired. It's inevitable. I think Bianco has to make the College World Series very quickly to avoid that. I have no idea the level of security one trip would get him. And I don't know about Dan in that context. He was interested this time around which is a difference from the recent past. It makes sense that he could be more open in a year. But anything I write is speculation. He's obviously not as happy as he was there earlier in his tenure.

From kbgolf: What are Covid testing rules for football players during upcoming season?

I don't know specifics, but I expect a protocol that does impact rosters and games to some extent. I saw the PGA Tour is stopping mandatory testing soon, so maybe that starts a ball rolling for decreased testing, but as of this moment, I expect some protocols that will lead to roster issues. I'll do my best to find out specifics.

From RebsBagman: If you were KC, how (if at all) would you have handled the Bianco situation differently?

I think Keith did all he could as far as handling the interview portion and that week while it played out. He was the one who just had to wait and see what happened. And while I don't think the contract roll over will have any impact on a decision in a year if one is needed and is really isn't a huge consequence, I wouldn't have rolled it over. Messaging is so important right now to the fan base and once that interview became public, it put Ole Miss in a difficult position. And any increased buyout is an increased buyout, whether it's an amount that's affecting decision making down the road or not. I would have played the week exactly like Keith did, but Mike would be on a three-year deal right now.

From WalnutReb: What is the meaning of life, Chase?

There's not one meaning. I'm sure it's different things for different people. For me, I want to find happiness in the things I do every day and be kind to people. I want to take care of my daughter and give her the tools necessary for her to succeed in life. And to be curious. It's pretty easy to get in the shell of daily life and not seek out new things, challenge yourself. We're all just doing the best we can.

From BIGBGISME: In your opinion. How many games are to many for 6u/7u travel baseball??

Ummm... we'll go with 35. I don't know. At least at that age the arms aren't getting shredded with increased work. Let the kids play bu let them have a summer outside of baseball, too.

From Kylethehoss: What are the 3 worst media rooms/press boxes in the SEC?

In football? Vanderbilt, Ole Miss and maybe MSU because I'm always freezing there. All of them are manageable and fine. No press box in the league is a detriment to the job. Ole Miss has maybe the nicest in basketball and a top one in baseball.

From Levi275: Who wins more majors, Rory McIlroy or Jordan Spieth? A question that had so much more zeal 3 or 4 years ago.What do you think about Bryson?

It seems so weird that Jordan Spieth only has three majors and even weird that he only has one Masters. Rory is at four, but he hasn't won since the 2014 PGA Championship. I'm going to say Rory since he has a headstart, and I think he gets at least one more. I do think Spieth is going to have a long career and contend a lot, but do we think he's going to win three more? That seems like a tough ask, so the safe money is on Rory despite the collapses.

I find Bryson really interesting. I don't pull for him, but he's worked incredibly hard to find what he sees as an advantage and get his body in shape to execute it. He makes the sport better with his personality. And while it's a lot of his usual weirdness, his YouTube channel isn't bad. A lot of athletes could learn from that level of personal exposure.

From PineBeltReb1: If Ole Miss beats Arizona in the super regional, who is LSU’s baseball coach today?

That's a fascinating question. I still think it's Jay Johnson, but it would have been easier to hire Bianco. I think that one game would have increased his chances by at least 10 percent and decreased Johnson's by maybe the same amount.
