Published Jul 17, 2024
The Mailbag, pres. by Art Hays of Sotheby's Int'l Realty: Edition 280
Neal McCready  •  RebelGrove

DALLAS -- It's time for The Mailbag, presented by Art Hays of Sotheby's International Realty, Edition 280.

I asked for your questions. You delivered. So here we go…

The Mailbag is presented by Art Hays of Sotheby’s International Realty. Are you thinking of making a move? Put the power of Sotheby's International Realty to work for you. As a licensed agent with Sotheby's International Realty and a supporter of all things Ole Miss, Art can help you buy or sell in your home town, or anywhere in the world, at no charge to you (seriously). Call and ask Art how. Call 612-805-5929 or email Art at Art Hays at

From larryjoe1979: How crazy is November going to be?

November? Hell, Larryjoe, we haven't gotten out of July yet.

But I understand your question. I could answer it better if you let me wait until Thursday night. What does Trump say? How does he say it? Is he a kinder, gentler Trump on the stage or is he angry? Is he calling people names or is he showing a new humility?

If he plays his cards right -- and if he can survive until Nov. 5 -- he's likely in line for an easy victory, maybe a landslide, maybe a win so big that the opposition doesn't have much energy to riot.

I mean, think about it. If Ole Miss loses 28-27 to Georgia and there was a questionable call late, you're pissed. But if Ole Miss loses 52-7 to Georgia, you're already back in the Grove in the second half, pouring a bourbon down your gullet and packing up your things.

From robert90: Listened to the interview Chase had with the former Ole Miss QB Dent. Very interesting and seems like a good person. Do you think you could get an interview with former Ole Miss LB Chance Campbell? I would be interested what he thinks about his college career (transferring), his decision to leave early of the NFL and how his NFL career has been? Thanks

I can reach out to him and try. I haven't talked to Chance in about 11 months. I like him and his family very much, and to my knowledge, that feeling is reciprocated. I can say that he left when he did because he was healthy and he felt the iron would never be hotter. His decision-making was rational. Ironically, he has had trouble staying healthy in the NFL, and there's a reason they always say, "Availability is your best ability."

From ShreveReb: Why does Joe Scarborough continue to defend and support Joe Biden? This clip from March has not aged well:

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Then today MSNBC pulls the show for a day (CNN story here and Fox News story here). I am unsure why they think delaying the show a day will make a big difference.

I think his hatred for Trump has made him unhinged. MSNBC signaled as much Monday morning. I think he and Biden are close and he's fighting for his friend. However, Biden has struggled quite a bit in recent months, and the blind defense of the President comes across as a complete and total lack of objectivity.

From chattreb: What is wrong with the Men’s National US Soccer Team? I have heard the excuse that our best athletes play other sports, but for a nation of 350 million with millions of kids playing soccer we should be good. I have issues with our training methods and all of this pay to play soccer that we have, but what say you?

I agree with you. We should be better. I don't know how selections are made on that team, but there are rumblings that it's way too political and not nearly focused enough on just winning.

As for training methods and pay-to-play, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Baseball is similar, for example, and no one really discusses that. To be excellent at soccer, one must play year-round, at least in my opinion. In America, that means playing school and club, and clubs are expensive. and not everyone can afford it. However, most clubs have scholarship programs, and I can assure you if a kid without the means to pay for the club can help the club on the pitch, they figure it out.

From BeijingReb: I’m noticing lots of similarities between the state of the country from what I know about the mid-late 70s going into the early 80s. Weve had a controversial exit from the previous administration, a cowardly and disgraceful exit from a wildly unpopular foreign war, a rudderless president who has run the nation into the ground while being protected by the liberal media, domestic issues (crime, economy), existential fear of the escalation of global war, etc. Now we have an assassination attempt on the presumed president-elect similar to the attempt early in Reagan’s first term. I know it’s not 1:1 a repeat of history. Is there nowhere for us to go but up? Have we reached a turning point that may lead to prosperity/unity over the next several years like the 80s and 90s? Or am I just being too optimistic about the political landscape today?

History has a tendency to repeat itself. And you're not alone in seeing parallels. The question is ultimately answered by the people. What do the people want? Are they willing to demand it? Are they willing to stand up to silliness and make their desires known at the battle box -- er -- ballot box?

And again, as I told Larryjoe earlier, it's too early to say if you're being too optimistic or not. There's a long way to go from now to Nov. 5.

From TX via TN Rebel: Can you imagine any scenario in your life (excluding saving the life of a child or escaping a snake) where you would climb into the HVAC ducts in a sports stadium?

No. I might even take the snake on first.

From Kylethehoss: What are your top 3 conspiracy theories from the assassination attempt ?

I'm leaning towards absolutely gross malfeasance occurring due to an organization focused on the wrong thing. I just want that to be clear. However, it's not a crazy stretch to wonder if the shooter was recruited and trained by someone(s) who wanted Trump dead. I don't know. I don't even feel like going further. I think it was just incredibly gross negligence and incompetence. Anything beyond that and it's incomprehensible.

From Visorthrows33: My political views are a little left to the vast majority on this board. I believe in socialized medicine and education. I believe that if a male wants to be called ma’am and wear a dress as long as he isn’t using it to go peep in women’s bathrooms or beat up on women in their sports etc.. I’m pretty fine with calling him ma’am and going about my day. I also believe that we have a boarder problem, and that we have to find a way to safely and legally get good hard working immigrants in while keeping those that don’t fit that bill out. I’m also entirely sick of the Democratic Party. I think the party itself is the most worthless political organization in the world at this point, and the few that I do believe have the best interest of the American people (regardless if their views are a little wacky or you disagree) get completely over ran by the corporate democrats, the Pelosi’s, Clinton’s, Biden’s (See the Bernie Sanders nomination snub the last two cycles for proof) etc.. It’s also slowly becoming clear that none of the changes I mention the democrats actually want. As someone who completely sees politics different than myself, what would you say to me as election time comes near.

I don't agree with much of what you said, but you are certainly entitled to your views. I think our education system is broken, and the results mostly support that view. I don't know enough about socialized medicine to have a strong view. I think our border policy is simply broken, badly broken.

As for your views on gender, I just disagree. One is born male or female. Now, look, if someone wants to dress like a mountain lion and pretend to be a mountain lion, I don't really care. I think the gender confusion stuff is based in mental illness, but to your point, if they're not hurting anyone, whatever.

However, I'm not calling someone who is clearly a male "ma'am," even if he's dressed in a dress with makeup on. I'm just not. I won't be disrespectful, but I'm not playing along. It's just silly.

Right now, at least in my opinion, the Democratic Party has been taken over by the radical left. They need a Bill Clinton candidate, a more moderate Democrat. Biden is just an old man who is essentially a puppet, and the people pulling the puppeteer's strings are radical.

From Visorthrows33: Now for a little lighter life advice question. The last couple of years have been a whirlwind, went back to school graduated, moved multiple times, but the last 7-8 months my professional life has really taken a turn for the good end finally. I went back to an old company, and got a quick promotion 4-5 months ago, with that I had to move an hour or two away (I know just a real life changing move) from most of my family and friends. I’ve absolutely killed it professionally. I’ve led my area every month in all my metrics since taking the promotion. It takes a lot out of me, but I’m finally making a solid living for myself, it takes a lot out of me, but I feel accomplished at work and can see my efforts directly correlating with my paychecks. All that to say, all I do is work. I have a pretty steady dating life I usually go get dinner or have a girl over a couple times a week. But none of my friends are here and I haven’t really found a group to just get a beer with or watch a game with ya know. You’ve moved a lot in your career. Any tips on building a social circle when you’re in a new area?

I'm not your guy here. I congratulate you on your success. I think the older you get, the harder it is to make friends. I don't really have a social circle. My life, for the most part, is dedicated to work and family. I don't have time for much else, and I suspect most can relate to that sentiment.

Maybe others who have had success in building social circles in new places can contribute to this thread. It's just not something I'm great at.

From jchmcl09: Here in Memphis there is excitement about U of M's chances to make the CFB Playoffs. However, they don't seem to ever be talked about as a potential P4 member. FEDEX is giving them $25 million in NIL money over 5 years and the State , County, and City are providing $175 million for stadium renovations. Do you think that is enough to get them into the Club or is it all just a waste of time and money?

I think Memphis' goal should be -- and probably is -- being a consistent Group of 5 power that can occasionally contend for that G5 entry into the CFP. I don't think Memphis is ever getting in a P4 league, but the ability to be a perennial top G5 program is absolutely on the table.

From coachnuke: If Ole Miss goes 10-2 and misses playoffs because a ACC or Big 12 undefeated team gets beat in their championship and committee takes 2, is it still a failure? Do you think soccer should use the offside 35 yard line that the NASL used back in the seventies to open game up? No offsides until you were inside the 35 yard line on the offensive side.

In my opinion, anything short of a CFP appearance is failure for Ole Miss this fall. Period. That opinion has been cemented this week in Dallas.

As for soccer, I don't think there's a need to open the game up. The game is beautiful. Goals are so valuable. I don't want to see that cheapened.

From North Tampa Rebel: Did you ever get to interact with Monte Kiffin? Any good stories?

Some. Especially in preseason camp, I got to have some conversations with him. He was a very kind, friendly man. He was also a legend who never, ever acted like one. I extend my prayers to the Kiffin family.
